• You may come across different views regarding the content and length of a Business Plan.

    You will also find that there are different views regarding the use of a Business Plan and the benefits it provides.

    Our purpose is to provide a thorough explanation of what a Brief (Summarising) Abbreviated Business Plan is and when that is the appropriate type of Business Plan for your enterprise.

    Also, you can click, here, to read “What is a Business Plan, Who Needs one and Why, Benefits” ", explaining in detail what is a Business Plan and what it involves, how a Business Plan is utilised to maximise potential benefits and what are the Benefits provided.

    If your specific needs require a detailed Business Plan, you can click, here, to read in depth what information needs to be analysed and recorded in each section of your Business Plan.

    Bear in mind that in case you need a Business Plan to secure a Business Loan or to search for Investors, regardless of whether your business is an Existing Businesses or a Start-up, you will need a Formal Business Plan.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • Often, the business loan application process can be considered complex. Below, we suggest key points that should be addressed as part of the process.

    Also, reading and understanding the essential content of your Formal Business Plan aiming to secure a Business Loan, for either an existing enterprise or a Start-up, would be very helpful.

    Further, you can check out some of the available Financial Instruments that can help you secure a reduced/ subsidised interest rate.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise. Additionally, we can support you in utilising a suitable Financial Instrument.

  • The Business Overview is the second Section of a Formal Business Plan.

    Below you can read, in detail, what the Business Overview Section should include, depending on the purpose of your Business Plan and the target audience.

    After reading about the Business Overview Section, you can learn more about the next Formal Business Plan Section, the Market Analysis Section.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • The Executive Summary is usually the first section of a Formal Business Plan.

    Below you can read, in detail, what the Executive Summary Section should include, depending on the purpose of your Business Plan and the target audience.

    After learning more about the Executive Summary, you can check out the next Formal Business Plan Section, the Business Overview / Summary Section.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • The Financial Projections Section usually comes after the Investment Analysis Section, and is the last section in a Formal Business Plan.

    Below you can read, in detail, what the Financial Projections Section should include, depending on the purpose of your Business Plan and the target audience.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • You can click, here, to read “What is a Business Plan, Who Needs one and Why, Benefits” for detailed insight that will help you assess your needs and understand which is the effective Business Plan for your particular needs.

    It is important to keep in mind that a Formal Business Plan, amongst other cases, is needed both for Existing Businesses and Start-ups for:

    • Securing a Business Loan
    • Searching for Investors

    If a Formal Business Plan is required in order to satisfy your specific needs, it is important for you to study and understand what the necessary content should be, bearing in mind that the content should be adjusted for your target audience and the purpose of your Business Plan.

    Below you can see the different Sections included in a Formal Business Plan and read in detail what is included in each section, depending on its use and the target audience.

    Whichever type of Business Plan is required to serve your specific needs, it could be a brief (Summarising) Abbreviated Business Plan or a Formal Business Plan, studying what each Section of the Business Plan involves will help you understand the analysis that needs to be performed for each Section. You should remember that, even in a brief Abbreviated Business Plan where the information recorded is summarised, the analysis steps must be followed in order to obtain the information that should be recorded in your Business Plan.

    Given the opportunity you should know that for Existing Businesses, with a period of activity of more than 2 years, operating in eligible sectors of the economy (Services, Manufacturing, Tourism, Construction, Commerce, etc.), which in their efforts for further improvement and business development need to develop a Formal Business Plan, we can help you utilise the "Small Business Support Programme in Cyprus" Programme provided by the EBRD. The Programme provides 65% Grant (not loan) (up to 70% under certain conditions) of the net development cost.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • The Investment Analysis Section usually comes before the Financial Projections Section in a Formal Business Plan.

    Below you can read, in detail, what the Investment Analysis Section should include, depending on the purpose of your Business Plan and the target audience.

    Then, you can read about the last Formal Business Plan Section, the Financial Projections Section.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • Market Analysis is the third section in a Formal Business Plan.

    Below you can read, in detail, what the Market Analysis Section should include, depending on the purpose of your Business Plan and the target audience.

    After learning more about the Market Analysis Section, you can read about the next Formal Business Plan Section, the Marketing Strategy formulation and Marketing Plan preparation Section.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • Often, the Marketing Strategy & Marketing Plan Section follows the Market Analysis Section, in a Formal Business Plan.

    Below you can read, in detail, what should be analysed as part of Marketing Strategy formulation and Marketing Plan preparation, depending on the purpose of your Business Plan and the target audience.

    Then, you can read about the next Formal Business Plan Section, the Investment Analysis Section.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.

  • You may come across different views regarding the content and length of a Business Plan.

    You will also find that there are different views regarding the use of a Business Plan and the benefits it provides.

    Our purpose is to provide a thorough explanation of what is a Business Plan and what it involves, how a Business Plan is utilised to maximise potential benefits and what are the Benefits provided.

    In the same perspective, it is explained how a Business Plan can take various forms, varying from a brief (Summarising) Abbreviated Business Plan to a detailed Formal Business Plan, depending on the intended use and target audience, as well as parameters that should be considered for choosing the appropriate Business Plan format.

    Contact us for support in assessing your Business Planning needs, and for the Preparation and Implementation of the appropriate Business Plan for your enterprise.