• The Law of the Republic of Cyprus 125 (I) 2018 and GDPR 679/2016 explicitly stipulates that the use of CCTV must be in accordance with the principles of the law.

    Practically what does that mean?

    Every employer has the right to secure the assets of his business and, of course, the staff who work there, as well as third parties who may be moving in these premises. It is commonly accepted and clear that such measures limit and are considered dissuasive as to the achievement of notional purposes. There are incidents where a suspected person was identified and handed over to the authorities due to the use oc CCTV. Another part also concerns insurance companies that demand evidence to be able to pay the appropriate compensations.

    On the other hand, however, the use of CCTV constitutes a violation of privacy, especially when there is sound, where this is forbidden in every case.